So everyday for school I park about 5 or 6 blocks from school in the ghetto. I park there so I do not have the hassle of feeding the meter every few hours throughout the day. There is a parking lot in Lawrenceville for students and employees at the hospital and they shuttle you up to the hospital ,but this requires me to ride past the school 10 minutes and then take the 10 minute ride back to school. I would rather sleep in an extra 20 minutes. Ok, thanks. So anyways….about once or twice a week I am stopped by a complete stranger with the “Do you have 50 cents? I need to catch the bus and I have no money?” or the “Do you have any change? I am hungry and don’t have any money?” I normally give these mooches the 50 cents or a dollar. I know more than likely they do not need to catch the bus and the small amount of money is probably going towards drugs or something, but whatev. Well today I stopped in Willkillyinzburg on my way home from school for gas. I was pumping my gas minding my own business when I was approached by this man. “Excuse me, do you have a dollar for me to get some food? I am so hungry?” I said “ I actually just paid with my card, I do not have any cash”. He said, “Do you have any change at all? I am so hungry.” I said I will check, but I doubt it. I gathered up some change (about 50 cents) and gave it to him. He saw the bills sticking out of my wallet and said staring at my wallet, “Are you sure you don’t have a dollar?” I said, “ I do, but I am a student and don’t really have any extra money.” He turned his back and walked away with the change I did give him. So I said, “You could at least thank me for the money I did give you.” He just stared at me. So I have decided I am going to go to McDonalds and get a stack of applications and start giving those to people when asked for money.
I am going to try to continue with the blogging due to constant harassment from several of my friends, however, do not expect correct grammar and punctuation and I will not have Manic Mondays or Guacamole Thursdays . I will just blog about whatev. Ok, thanks.
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you should have farted really loudly as you walked away from the man. kinda like you did in macy's last night.
That's what you get in Willkillyinzburg. I hope you don't get stabbed. But it would be a story.
your first mistake was going to willkillyinzburgh in the first damn place...
I love my girls gassy! I agree with Jen-nay.
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