Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tibetan Terrier Tuesday

So I have a new obsession....www.jibjab.com I LOVE IT!!! Thanks Colbs! You could probably look at all my top friends on myspace and they have video posted. I think Jen-nay's getting annoyed with me because I keep laughing hysterically at it!
So I helped delivered a baby today. 8 lbs 12 ounces. He was born with the cord wrapped around his neck and he was dark purple. I almost fainted. Everything ended up being ok by the time we left at the end of the day.
Season finale of Beauty and the Geek tonight. I hope David and Jasmine win.
CLARION this weekend! Can't wait! Look out Hamburger Bills!
Paige and Maddie have fleas. They kept me up half the night scratching and I was almost late for school today. I got up at 6:10am thanks to Jen-nay. (I have to leave at 6:15am). I jumped in the shower and left the house with dripping wet hair. It was a great! They are getting flea dips on Saturday after doggie day camp.
Doggie Day camp: $16.00 per dog
Flea baths: $25.00 per dog
Having spoiled dogs that will not be up all night scratching: PRICELESS
Well tommorrow is HUMP DAY!!! YAY!

1 comment:

JJB said...

you thought right. jib jab has gone from FUNNY to NOT FUNNY. ok, thanks.